Rust CLI Tools
Rust command line tools I use that are fast, user friendly and have little or no runtime dependencies. Most of these should be available in your OS package manager of choice, at least they are on Arch Linux, Void Linux, FreeBSD, and Homebrew:
- alt -- Command line tool to find alternate files.
- bat -- A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting.
- chars -- A command line tool to display information about unicode characters.
- dust -- A more intuitive version of du in Rust.
- exa -- A modern replacement for ls.
- fd -- A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'.
- hexyl -- A command-line hex viewer.
- mdcat -- cat for markdown.
- ripgrep -- recursively searches directories for a regex pattern.
- skim -- Fuzzy Finder in Rust!
- titlecase -- A small tool that capitalizes English text according to a style defined by John Gruber for post titles on his website Daring Fireball.